
Eat Downeast - Washington County Maine logo and banner image
Eat Downeast - Washington County Maine logo and banner image

Seaweed illustrationAbout

From Crabmeat to Backyard Hens

From crabmeat to backyard hens, from locally grown produce to freshly baked breads and pies—Washington County is brimming with delicious, local food producers. Eat Downeast is a campaign to connect eaters to the tastes of the region.

Illustration of a lobster shack with a picnic table and umbrella outside
Wavy, decorative divider between the About and Map sections

Local Food Map

If you’re looking for the farmers, farmstands, seafood and seaweed harvesters, restaurants, bakeries, farmers markets, and food pantries of Downeast Maine, look no further. This handy digital map features more than 140 Washington County producers—and we’re always adding more.

Take it for a spin—or a delicious roadtrip Downeast.

Looking for the print version of the local food map? Download it here!

Green, wavy divider between website sections

Looking For Something Specific?

Illustration of two chickens
Illustration of a person raking blueberries

flower illustrationEvents

Local Fairs, Workshops, Demos, and More

Find the best agricultural events and fairs across Washington County. See you there!

Oatmeal, wavy divider between website sections

Cheese illustrationKitchen

A Space to Create Your Value-Added Products

The Minke Kitchen is a cooperative, certified commercial kitchen available for rent to Washington County farmers and food producers who want to create value-added products.

Join us! Contact us to arrange a tour of the kitchen facilities.

Woman in a commercial kitchen standing in front of a counter cooking
Eat Downeast name and logo illustration wrapped on Crown of Maine delivery truck

Strawberry illustrationTruck

Have You Spotted the Downeast Truck?

We’re proud to partner with Crown O’ Maine distributors on an Eat Downeast truck, which will share the glory of Washington County food all over the Northeast.

Tag us on social media! #eatdowneast

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Smithereen Farm logo

The Eat Downeast campaign is a project of Smithereen Farm in Pembroke, Maine. We have an organic farm, run a seasonal farmstore showcasing local producers, and welcome agritourism campers. Come visit!

Eat Downeast is funded in part by a Local Food Promotion Program grant from the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.

Crown O'Maine

We thank Crown O’Maine distributors for their support of the Eat Downeast campaign—and for wrapping their truck with our campaign art!

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