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Downeast Salmon Federation 21st Annual Smelt Fry

April 26 @ 11:00 am3:00 pm

Hosted by Downeast Salmon Federation

Full Details:

Downeast Salmon Federation held its first Smelt Fry back in 2001 with a modest gathering of just 50 people.  Since then, it has become an annual community event and now serves over 500 people each year! 

In the late winter, sea-run smelt are harvested from the tidal estuary in front of our Pleasant River Fish Hatchery in Columbia Falls.  In 2009 DSF successfully petitioned the Maine Department of Marine Resources to reverse a proposed closure of this fishery by providing scientific evidence that the fishery was healthy, and today the fishery in Columbia Falls is the last surviving commercial gill and bag net smelt fishery in the Eastern United States!

These delicious sea-run smelt, and people’s love for them, are the centerpiece of this popular community meal and event.  DSF, along with other partner organizations, sponsors and volunteers add other scrumptious sides and a dessert to make this a true Downeast meal to remember!

There are many activities at the DSF Smelt Fry, with events happening all over town!  You can learn about raising Atlantic salmon, how to tie a fly, or about the importance of marshes and river habitats.  You can learn good places to hike, kayak and camp, or even enter a canoe race!   Take a hatchery tour and visit our historical Smelt Camp after your meal, and adults can also try some local craft beer.  There will be live music, a touch-tank, our own mobile smoker, and many other activities for the entire family to enjoy!


April 26
11:00 am – 3:00 pm

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